The Truth About Cancer
2024 Christmas Advent Calendar
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Monumental Myths
Printed Book + eBook (444 pages)
$39.97 $19.97 (SAVE 50%)
Physical Book + Instant Download
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The Truth About Vaccines 2020
Platinum Combo Package
DVDs + Digital Access
Buy One Get One FREE
$499 $49.90 (SAVE 90%)
Clearance SALE + BOGO!

The Truth About PET Cancer Combo Package
Buy One Get One FREE
$497 $49.70 (SAVE 90%)
Clearance SALE + BOGO!
Get a 2nd Set of DVDs FREE w/ Combo Package

Essential Oils: Ancient Medicine (Hard Cover + eBook)
$59.98 $29.97 (SAVE 50%)
500+ Page Glossy Hard Cover
FREE US Shipping
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Essential Oils: Ancient Medicine (Hard Cover)
$59.98 $29.97 (SAVE 50%)
500+ Page Glossy Hard Cover
Free US Shipping!
Click HERE to be notified when back in stock

The Truth About PET Cancer Combo Package
$497 $49.70 (SAVE 90%)
Clearance SALE + BOGO
Get a 2nd Set of DVDs FREE w/ Combo Package
12 Days of Christmas sale has expired
Stay tuned for more amazing offers

Now in its 6th Edition, “Cancer-Step Outside the Box” is a roadmap to successfully treating cancer and regaining your health! This book is chock full of the most effective, non-toxic cancer treatments in the world. The truth is that there are many potent and well-proven alternative strategies for preventing and treating cancer... without surgery, chemotherapy, or radiation (the “Big 3”). Inside this book, you will find a wealth of information, the facts, and the deceptions about cancer and cancer treatments, it documents multiple cases of persecution and suppression of effective natural cancer treatments, it details the most potent advanced cancer treatment protocols, and it clearly explains the relationship between nutrition and cancer. This book is the “magnum opus” of cancer treatments.

In this 90 minute documentary, you’ll hear from “the medical pioneers” who are willing to buck the system, Big Pharma, and conventional wisdom relating to treating cancer. You’ll also hear from researchers, scientists and most importantly … survivors sharing their personal stories in this amazing documentary. This documentary is not only educational, but it’s also enjoyable to watch as you are inspired and motivated to be as healthy as you possibly can be. You will learn that cancer is NOT a death sentence. There is ALWAYS hope!

Electrical appliances produce toxic electromagnetic fields (EMFs). Most of the EMF radiation in the home come from cell phones, routers, nearby cell towers, and appliances. Current scientific research indicates evidence that cell phone EMF radiation can lead to cancer, but the mere possibility of EMF involvement in brain cancer, diabetes, headaches, ADHD, or leukemia in our children is cause for concern. Qi Technology is designed and engineered with German patented technology to provide you and your family a true sanctuary against EMFs and radiation frequency.

The Truth About Cancer [LIVE]
Orlando 2017
The Truth About Cancer® LIVE 2017 in Orlando, Florida was an AMAZING experience! We had more than 40 cancer experts and natural health specialists reveal their latest breakthroughs and therapies to beat, treat and prevent cancer. In addition, we heard from numerous “cancer conquerors” who inspired us all. The information they shared changed the lives of countless people … and gave them all hope! But we only had 1,500 seats, so not everyone who wanted to attend was able to attend. Now you can go back and see it all! Every presentation, every speaker, every BIG moment and every life-saving revelation.

The Synergy Sauna™ portable near and far infrared sauna provides deep penetrating and detoxifying therapeutic heat through the use of infrared rays. When choosing a sauna for detox purposes, true infrared heaters and powerful, penetrating infrared are necessary. The Synergy Sauna™ heating panels, with their 87% spectral emissivity carbon and tourmaline heating panels, has faster, deeper penetrating infrared than many saunas. This sauna is very affordable and can be used in the privacy of your home. The design includes the most desirable features that more expensive and fancy saunas include (like Ozone Therapy and Oxygen therapy). Furthermore, enjoy free shipping in the USA!

Since ancient times, music has been recognized for its therapeutic value. Greek physicians used flutes, lyres, and zithers to heal their patients. They used vibration to aid in digestion, treat mental disturbance, and induce sleep. Today we're discovering how we too can use music to heal, repair, and protect against disease. Grammy award winning musician, Michael Tyrrell, has poured his heart and soul into Wholetones Christmas™ which contains several of the most popular holiday songs that will fill your home with the sounds of Christmas while providing healing frequencies to all those who hear it.

Are you ready for the best sleep of your life? Wholetones 2Sleep Gen 2, featuring Life, Love & Lullabies, is music designed to help ANYONE feel more relaxed, have greater peace, and best of all, get better sleep than they've had in years. This is a collection of 6 beautiful songs by Grammy award winning musician, Michael Tyrrell, each approximately 30 minutes in length. That's 3 hours of music to help you fall asleep and STAY asleep!

Hydrogen (H2) is the most abundant molecule in the Universe. It’s an odorless, colorless, and tasteless gas. But when you hear the words “molecular hydrogen” you may be imagining crazy scientists in a dark lab performing crazy experiments. The reality is that in 2007, a Japanese research team discovered that inhaled hydrogen gas could act as an antioxidant and protect the brain from free radicals. As you drink Echo® water, you are flooding the body with millions upon millions of molecules of hydrogen each day, providing protection from dozens of conditions. Plus, the Echo® H2 Machine is the only molecular hydrogen water machine available that also infuses water with healing frequencies.

TTAC’s Ultimate Cancer Prevention, Healing & Healthy Living Program
TTAC’s Ultimate Cancer Prevention, Healing & Healthy Living Program is a 6 module program will give you all the information you need to know, from A to Z, in order to live a cancer preventative lifestyle. This is a step-by-step guide that can take each and every single person from any walk of life who wants to build a better, healthier, cancer-free life and shows them exactly how to get started, what to do next, and what to do after that. This is the roadmap that you need in order to prevent cancer and stay cancer-free.

Herbal Medicine / Natural Treatments
“A Guide to Understanding Herbal Medicines” is a must have book if you want to take control of your own current health. It contains over 100 full color pages of medicinal herbs, with details of their habitat, description, actions, uses and phytochemical effects, as well as a “how to” section on growing, harvesting, and combining herbs to treat common ailments. “Work With Your Doctor” is a book that contains scientific research and studies (from highly respected research institutions, publications, and medical schools) to support every remedy that is contained in its 500+ pages, including acid reflux, fibromyalgia, adrenal insufficiency, allergies, headaches, asthma, hypertension, celiac disease, Lyme disease, arthritis, and whooping cough.

God designed the human body to have abundant energy. But you won’t experience it until you learn the secret of eating what your body needs. Much of what we eat today only fills our stomachs but leaves us starving nutritionally and unable to live the vibrant life we desire. Living Fuel has all the nutrition your body needs and more. With protein, fiber and more than 90 vitamins and minerals it’s more than a meal, it’s a Super Meal. There is no other product that even comes close to matching the nutritional profile of a Living Fuel Super Meal.

Monumental Myths
Do you believe everything you hear on the TV? Is it possible that we’ve been lied to...about almost everything? Are you a truth-seeker? If so, then “Monumental Myths” is the book for you. This book is 33 chapters and 444 pages and is literally chock full of amazing information which will enable you to free your mind and shatter the monumental myths that are so prominent today. Never before have all these controversial subjects been tackled so thoroughly in a single book. This is our “magnum opus” when it comes to debunking myths and sharing the truth.

The Perfect Words of Jesus Christ
The words of Jesus Christ are the most important words ever spoken in the history of mankind. His words are different from any other words because He was and is perfect, holy, blameless, and the one and only Son of God. They are the actual words of God the Father that were spoken directly and audibly to this world and are still speaking to our generation today! The secrets of living this life in the present and into eternity are locked up inside His perfect words. These perfect words of Jesus compiled in one beautifully designed volume will help the reader get to know Jesus in a deeper, more intimate way and have their lives transformed through His life-giving power.

Essential Oils: Ancient Medicine
There’s nothing more powerful than essential oils! “Essential Oils: Ancient Medicine” is a 500+ page book that is loaded with practical information you can use right away, including step-by-step guides showing you how to use more than 50 of the top essential oils AND full-color, step-by-step recipes and natural cures. If you have pets or are a new mom, you can’t afford NOT to get this book. It will take you back in time and show you the rich history of essential oils. You’ll also discover cutting edge research, new natural remedies and cures and essential oil recipes. The material goes so deep doctors and health practitioners will find it valuable. But the authors (Josh Axe, Jordan Rubin, & Ty Bollinger) also made everything easy to understand and laid out step-by-step instructions — so everyone can use it.
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