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Introducing The TTAC INSIDERS Legacy Membership

Legacy Package
TTAC Insiders Legacy Membership is our monthly online Newsletter where we feature in depth articles written by the experts sharing their expertise with you to help support a better, vibrant, healthy you! We also feature Charlene’s Cancer Fighting Kitchen... including some of the most nutritious and delicious recipes available anywhere. This Newsletter is a virtual, educational, and beautiful experience of health and life meant to support you in your health and wellness journey.
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Premium Package
The Premium Membership includes the monthly online newsletter, PLUS you will obtain exclusive access to Ty and Charlene and so many other TTAC Insiders community members in a private Facebook group where you will be able to encourage and be encouraged by others just like you! Ty and Charlene will also do a monthly Facebook Live video where you can join them with your questions LIVE! In this membership, there will also be a customized topical Q&A session with Ty & Charlene every month tailored to answer very specific topics that will support you in your health and wellness journey.
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Platinum Package
The Platinum Membership is the most exclusive access available in the world to Ty & Charlene and the experts for the low monthly price of $19.97. You will also enjoy monthly videos of Ty & Charlene with the experts, getting real and talking about things you won’t hear anywhere else in the world! This is the place where you will get exclusive insiders access for pennies on the dollar. And as you join, you help our mission and support the cause which is saving lives daily as we continue this life saving work of educating the world that cancer does NOT have to be a death sentence. We couldn’t do it without YOU!
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Here's what industry leaders are saying...

"The Truth About Cancer is more than a collection of valuable resources on how to prevent and treat cancer, it's a movement that has changed the lives of millions around the globe. We solute Ty & Charlene Bollinger for their faith, courage and determination to always share the truth."
~ Dr. Eric & Sabrina Ann Zielinski
Bestselling Authors of The Essential Oils Diet

"In a world of pain, fear and few options, The Truth About Cancer stands as a bright shining light of hope. Ty and Charlene have dedicated their lives to making truth about a host of cancer treatment options that no one would ever know about available to people all over the world. TTAC has been such a blessing in my life. It has been my joy to be part of the TTAC family of health professionals bringing healing and hope to millions of people."
— Cherie Calbom, MS, The Juice Lady
Author of Juicing, Fasting and Detoxing for Life

"Being a part of the TTAC family for years now has had an incredible impact on my life and the natural cancer industry as a whole. TTAC has done an incredible job bringing the truth about cancer to the masses. It is an honor to be associated with the team, the other doctors and especially all of the cancer sufferers and survivors. TTAC brings the knowledge, hope, and faith into peoples lives, allowing them to reactivate their body's self-healing mechanism and initiate a natural approach to healing the body. I highly recommend becoming part of the TTAC community and joining the mission to help change the future of medicine by addressing the root cause instead of the symptoms of cancer. Live Healthy! "
— Dr. Edward F. Group, III, DC, NP, DACBN, DCBCN, DABFM
30-Day Satisfaction Guarantee! Become a Member risk-free today
Gain the knowledge and confidence you need to defeat cancer Join TTAC Insiders Today!

Member Testimonials
“Amazing, informative and gives people a choice rather than the mainstream medical route.”
- Maree
“Honest no nonsense indepth research.”
- Lesley
“Life affirming, transformative information that everyone needs to see. Don't wait for a cancer diagnosis to educate yourself about this. Take off the mantle of fear that has been seeded in us erroneously. Choose to live and be well.”
- Dianne
“There is NO ONE that cannot use this information. Factual, professional and presented in fantastic format. Thanks SO MUCH!!!”
- Christine
"I absolutely love TTAC! Keep up the excellent work. Knowledge is power and as more and more people become aware of the dangers like GMOs, vaccines and toxic chemicals in our food, water, and air, the better we can learn to get the right nutrients, detoxify the dangerous substances, and help our bodies heal. It breaks my heart to see so many sick of all ages that don't have a clue as to what is causing it. Education is key for humans to be aware so that we can help all life on our planet for survival.”
- Laurel Z.
“This is truly an earth-shaking momentum that will awaken those who have been blinded by untruths and scam medical testing for too many years. It's time the truth be known!!”
- Kay
“I am a strong advocate of natural cures and proud to say I am 74 and don't take a single prescription drug. I tell people daily about you and your outstanding knowledge about cancer.”
- Sterch
“I am so thankful for all that you do to bring this powerful Information to the world.”
- Jody G. from Wyoming